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Re: Ridecamp

Hi again Michelle
Thanks for the advice.  I hadn't thought seriously about unsubscribing, most
of what I've already read is just too interesting.  It was just a bit of
shock after the gentle pace of the other two lists.
Yeah, I guess it is the annonimity (not sure thats spelt right) of the net
that encourages people to say things they wouldn't say to that person's face
(or perhaps they would?).  Its useful to have an insight on the
personalities so as to know whether to read on or press delete, ie if these
people know what they're talking about then its worth sorting through the
insults to find the gems.
I read about this problem on internet lists long before I even bought a PC
and dragged myself back into the 20Century, having worked in IT a 100 years
ago before all this cyberspace mud-slinging was even a twinkle in somebody's
eye.  I remember demonstrating fax transmission & crossing my fingers behind
my back, praying that what I sent came out the other end!
I think a lot of people in Europe (even the more enlightened of the French
riders!) would admit that the US is where it happens endurance-wise, hey
thats why I've bought all those books, Donna S-Smiths, plus Nancy Loving's &
On the English/European list I think people are a bit daunted by the sheer
volume of email from Ridecamp but I have resolved the problem for myself by
mastering M/s Outlook Express, ie now it does what I tell it, rather than
the opposite, & setting up a 2nd mail-box just for Ridecamp.  Never had so
much mail in all my life.  Great way to diet, I don't even stop to eat at
lunch-time now!
Anyway I'm gabbling, which is another problem with cyberspace communication.
In the real world people tell you to shut up so they can get their word in!
Bye for now
Heather & 30-odd Arabians including 5 who wish Mom would break a leg so
they'd never have to do another mile on the trail!

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