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RE: $5.00 Trade Show Donation
As discussed in the Mid Year Board Meeting; the monies collected as a
donation for attending the AERC trade show are to be dedicated to the AERC
Trails fund. As to the exact mechanics of who when and how these monies will
be collected is the responsibility of the Executive Director of the AERC
Direct those questions to him at the AERC office.
As to how these funds are to be used and or distributed; they will be under
the control of the Finance Committee and, I hope, dispersed as a form of
grant. The request for a grant of Trails Fund money would be channeled
through the Trails Committee for review and then the Chair of the Trails
Committee for a successful grant request, would request the Finance
Committee disburse the proper funds.
It is all a very simple procedure that should, by now, be written as part of
the AERC Procedure Manual. If this is not the case, then it is up to the
members to request that this be done. (Randy, has this facet of the motion
been even started, let alone completed?)
The entire concept and implementation is simple and productive. The fiscal
controls are in place as defined by the Finance Committee at the Mid-Year
BoD meeting. The administrative function, added to our procedures for a
final complete auditable package completes the cycle.
What more could you all ask for, you have CONCEPT, IMPLEMENTATION AND
CONTROLS, if that is not enough then why are not some members offering
additional constructive criticism.
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: Garrett Ford [mailto:easycar2@primenet.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 10:04 AM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: $5.00 Trade Show Donation
If the $5.00 trade show donation is used properly and benefits AERC (our
sport/trails), we should support it.
Sportack & EasyCare would like to help everyone with the $5.00 donation.
Stop at either the Sportack or EasyCare booth and we will be happy to
exchange your donation receipt for an additional $5.00 off our already low
trade show prices.
Ridecamp should discuss how we would like our board members and our AERC
office to properly budget the $5.00 donation for maximum AERC member
Garrett Ford
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
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