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Re: RC: Convention Trade Show

As a vendor, No, I did not notice.  Why is it decisions are made WITHOUT consulting those who are affected?  I'm sorry, but there is NO way that  YOUR board director can know what subject is going to be broached at the mid-year (or any other) meeting and be able to ask all if it's constituents how they feel.

Legally, as a vendor, without written notification of this, I have the right to withdraw (which I won't).  We pay a hefty price to exhibit and I, for one, travel 5000 miles round trip just for the "privilege" of exhibiting and selling my goods.  When I paid for my booth, I expect ALL policies to be the same as the past unless otherwise notified.

If this is truly a "donation", let it be.  If not, it discourages the general public from even entering the doors.  The long term goal was to expand this show to other than just AERC members. I might say, a poor job has been done in the past.  IF the promotion is significantly increased AND the "door fee" or "donation" is not stated, I think it will turn off anyone who is even mildly interested from coming in.

I am a customer, too, and am entitled to KNOW what I am BUYING in advance.  I am ALSO an AERC member and care about our sport, but NOT enough to be nickel and dimed to death.

Teddy Lancaster
Running Bear Farm, Inc. - who has been attending this show as a vendor longer than ANYONE other than Griffins!!!! - about 15 years!!!

Joan Dowis wrote:

Hi, all, I have searched the Archive subject list and haven't found any posts regarding the entry fee being charged at the trade show this year.  In December's Endurance News, it is reported in the Mid Year Board of Directors Meeting minutes that a minimum donation of $5.00 will be required to enter the trade show.  The original proposal was for an entry fee, but the board voted on a "minimum donation of $5.00", for which a receipt will be given, this money to be given to the trails fund.  There is nothing about whether this fee will be charged (and yes, it is a fee) on each day, or just once. I have nothing against donating to the trails fund.  In fact, I support it wholeheartedly.  I do object, however,  to being forced to make a donation, which is only a thinly disguised fee.  What does anyone else think?  I wonder if this will affect the attendance at the trade show.  Have the vendors been notified of this? Joan D.

Teddy Lancaster
AERC# 139422 - Member since 1974
6000+ career miles

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

-- Winston Churchill

Running Bear Farm, Inc.
Your Trail Riding Equipment Headquarters - Celebrating our 20th Anniversary!!!!
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1348 Township Road 256
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Home of Khalarado+/ 1990 IAHA National Endurance Champion - (1982 Chestnut CMK Stallion)
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