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RE: trucks

I agree that lousy service is the BEST way to assure that you don't have return business.  No trouble with service for routine things so far for us...
You said your <trailer> is 13000 lbs rated capacity, or the truck?  The trucks were rated for 10,000 to 11,000 GVW.  Your trailer may have been a bit too heavy for the truck's rated capacity.  (erg the Freightliner is the way to go!)
We held off from buying the '93 Dodge diesel because of "new model" worries.  There always seem to be some bugs that have to be worked on new models.  Some models of the Dodge before 1995 had problems with the brakes - the piston (?I think - technical stuff goes to my husband) was not up to the job for their heavy duty brakes.  Ditto on rear ends/auto-transmissions before 1995.  The engine produced more torque than the transmission could handle.  Our 1996 seems to have this all worked out.  My understanding of the solution is that they "detuned" the engine to put out less torque.
We're at 75,000 miles & pulling fine.  Given the choice in light truck models & gas over diesel, I'd still go Dodge diesel for hauling.
-----Original Message-----
From: Teddy Lancaster [] 
 Subject: Re: trucks

No, my trailer is NOT that big!!!! It is a 4H slant with 9" LQ. 26 foot on the floor. Rated at 13,000 loaded capacity!!!!  I have heard that Dodge had problems with earlier models of their trucks...hopefully they have improved them.  I just resent having been used as a guinea pig and had AWFUL service!!!


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