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Re: Trailer accidents

I gather that the standard technique is to cut the trailer open, like
opening a can, and lifting or walking the horse out.

---dave & abby bloxsom <> wrote:
> Alison Dunn wrote:
> > 
> > Since scary trailer topics are being posted...
> > I have been wondering about this one for awhile.  If a trailer is
> > overturned and the horse needs to be removed by pulling it out from
> > the back, where does one attach ropes or whatever to do the job
> > out damaging joints, etc..  This is presuming that there is no
> > help available to wait for, or that the emergency help doesn't have
> > a clue about horses, and needs someone to direct them.
> > 
> I'm no expert, but I'd start by assuming the horse is like a "giant
> mechanically - How would I drag/pick up a dog?  I'd put one rope
> the base of the neck like a pulling collar & then run it between the
> front legs; another rope around the loins in front of the pelvis; tie
> the first rope to the loop around the loins; then pull on them both. 
> Logistics permitting, I'd never attach ropes to tail, legs, or head.  
> Hmmmm an interesting puzzle. BTW, several years ago I saw a video
> basic horse emergency rescue, produced for the use of emerg
> Someone also suggested "horse people" offering training seminars for
> emerg personnel who in all likelihood have never patted/handled
> let alone tried to rescue them from burning buildings or overturned
> trailers.  The idea was to get them familiar enough so that they can
> hold/lead/attempt to control horses if the need were to arise in an
> emergency.  I thought it was a pretty good idea.
> -Abby B

Nicco Murphy - Poway, San Diego, CA

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