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Horse Slaughter

Dear Governor Guinn:

I am a Director of Heritage Trails and speak for our President George
Cardinet who is a founder of the Tahoe Rim Trail.   I speak on behalf of
our members both in Nevada and California. We deplore the slaughtering of
our wild horses by these mindless premeditated murderers.  
It is an insult to the efforts of "Wild Horse Annie" and the efforts of
others to improve and preserve these wild herds that this should go
The fact that a significant amount of money was raised for the appehension
of these murdurous criminals should impress you with the serious stand we
take as horse lovers around the world.  

Through the global connections of email - we stand watching and praying
that your decision to punish these criminals will be firm and final--and
put an end to these callous slayings.  

Please also be mindful that the passion that drives a man to senselessly
kill an animal is the same that will drive him to kill a child.

Nancy DuPont

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