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Re: Smelly 1

---Potato RICHARDSON <> wrote:
> OK don't get funny!   For your input I have thought 
> about taking a shovel and trying to bury it but I really don't want
> distrub it for fear of the possible emissions.  

I've been speaking to an "outdoorsey" friend and we both agree...get a
plastic bag that's real thick.  I've seen them at Lowe's...they're for
sacking up scrap metal.  Dig a hole a few feet away.  Use a snow
shovle (or manure shouvle that's wide) to gently scoop up the skunk
and place it in the plastic bag a few inches away.  Tie the sack up
and put it in the hole...or take it to the dump if the sack won't
decompose in our lifetime.  Just burying the skunk several feet away
and carrying it to the hole with a wide shovle should solve any
"emissions" problems.

Hope this helps.

Susan Young,
Muskogee, OK
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