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RE: tying up solution

Title: RE: tying up solution

How about having a "fun" contest the night before?  Release your horse in camp, hunt him down, rope him, flip him & hog tie him.  (A little like calf roping.)  The fastest time gets a 10 min head start on the pack in the morning!  :-)  (Uh Oh - better duck!  I'm SURE that isn't good horsemanship for NATRC.)


-----Original Message-----
From: robert & carla lawson []

  Okay here is my solution everybody has to hog tie the horse before they go
to bed. This will prevent any kind of stuff going on. No muching to wake
folks up no moving to wake folks up and no banging buckets to wake folks up.
The benefits horse will be fresh and extremely pissed off before you leave
in the morning. Hey that extra adreniline will come in handy!! all for hog
tying anyone??

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