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Re: intranasal vaccine for strangles

Please tell me someone, how many times have you heard about a horse getting
Pupura Hemmoraghica (spelling?) from a strangles vaccine? 
Mine did and almost died.  He got it from the IM shot, not the nasal.
Fortunately I live not far from U.C. Davis where he spent two weeks on
steroids and stuff to stop the immune reaction.  
I will NEVER NEVER give a strangles shot again. Still paying off $2000 to
the vet clinic (they deserve it) to save my horse.
Before that, my 18 year old Arabian Gelding never had a sick day in his life!
At 12:31 PM 1/13/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Heidi (and anyone else with info),
>I read the article in the Jan.99 EQUUS mag about intranasal vaccine for
>strangles and saw that you were quoted in the article. I would like your
>opinion on its use prior to the ride season: do you recommend it to be
>included with the other spring shots most people use prior to the ride
>season, do you need to repeat it more often than the standard
>immunizations, how far in advance to you recommend administering it to
>achieve good immunity prior to attending a ride, and lastly, even though it
>has a better side effect profile than the older IM shots, what are the most
>common reactions to watch for and the percentage of occurance. The article
>specifically mentions water as a common source of transmission to horses
>attending community rides. How valid do you think this is considering that
>all horses at endurance rides share the same barrels out on the trail and
>the rate of transmission appears to be so low? I have held off asking this
>stuff because the topic is not pleasant but as time draws nearer to Spring
>I want to be ready with some info.
>Thank you for your help.
>Kelly and Homerun Baker

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