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Branding - why I did it


Eight years ago I hot branded my mare, Emily.  There are a billion horses 
that are plain dark bay with a left rear sock.  I wanted a way for anyone to 
identify her.

The Tennessee State Veterinarian said that branded horses are less likely to 
be stolen and if they are they are more often found.

I hot branded Emily because a hot brand cannot be hidden.  If an animal has a 
freeze brand all a thief has to do is cover it with the appropriate color of 
shoe polish and that horse could be through a sale ring or slaughtered before 
anyone would ever notice the brand.  People have covered state EIA brands in 
that manner.

I had the vet come out and lay Emily down with Ketamaine (sp?).  She was 
unaware of the branding.  Granted the brand looked pretty bad as it healed, 
but came out good.

I registered my brand in Tennessee and Mississippi and intend to do so in 
other states.  Those states only charge five or ten dollars to register, but 
then there are no brand inspections in these states.  Western states like 
Texas charge several hundred dollars.

My brand is "ea".  I had an electrical brand made for $98.  I branded almost 
everything that would stand still such as my saddle.

I wish I had branded an 18 month old mule that I sold several years ago.  He 
was plain bay.  If I ever came across him I would know immediately he was a 
mule I raised, otherwise I would never know.

I have had more people at trail rides and endurance rides ask "why did you do 
that?"  Maybe this sounds condescending, but I think that is a very dumb 


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