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Re: (Fwd) carbs and sweet feed

Beth Glace wrote:
> You are asking a very good question.  In humans the results are
> good when they just eat regular, easy to digest food, which contains
> carbs during exercise.  Most sugars are good choices except for
> fructose.  In humans it causes diarrhea and bloating, and I don't
> know about horses.  I have often wondered why people don't just mix a
> bit more brown sugar into the sweet feed or carry some with them and
> feed on the trail in small amounts.  Would be cheaper!!!  Sue?
> Beth

In fact, I recommend that very thing to quite a few folks.  Works just
fine.  I think small, frequent meals on the trail makes far more
difference than does the exact composition of the soluble carbohydrate

Susan G

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