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Re: yellow snow...?

Lately I've been
> > seeing "reddish-orange" patches in the snow along with the more
> > yellow pee.   Anybody have a clue what's causing this, and if it's
> > something I should be concerned about? 

> I've never particularly noticed this before in our horses, but could
> be that the urine is just more concentrated than normal?  If it is
> cold, the horse may not be drinking as much as normal.


I've lived in two very different regions of western Canada, both
snowy. A couple of my horses in the previous location peed red-orange
in the winter while on hay. The hay was alfalfa/grass mix.  This has
not happened in 3 years at my new location where we feed almost
straight grass hay. Can't say for sure it was the feed change because
it makes sense that decreased water consumption might have that
effect. We had automatic waterers in both locations so I can't monitor
how much they drink (drawback to auto waterers).

There were no apparent ill effects of the red-orange urine and it went
away when the horses went on pasture.

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