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Ridecamp Mission Statement/RULES
O.K. if we need a mission statement. I'd like to throw out a few ground
I promise not to sound far more intelligent in print than I am in person,
thus leading people to think my advice is worth far more than it is.
I promise to address the original question posted, not turn it around to
fit some campaign I'm on.
I promise to delete "Ridecamp" from the address box when I post, "me too"
to the sender.
I promise to avoid bringing up "too hot to hold" topics like, "Is 25
miles endurance?" "Should AERC charge families more?" and "Are weight
divisions fair?" Under penalty of death.
I promise to make a permanent copy of Susan E. Garlinghouse's
recommendations on feeding beet pulp and save that woman's fingers from
typing it all out for every individual member on the list.
I promise not to add everyone else to my dirty joke list.
I promise not to talk condescendingly to another ridecamper as if I am
the authority on all matters, since obviously the "authorities on all
matters" prefer to lurk, and by posting in the first place I am admitting
my ignorance.
I promise that if Julie Suhr ever "de-lurks" I will admit that "The
Master Has Spoken" and she is the final authority.
If a new subscriber asks a question which has been re-hashed 100 times,
someone experienced post to ridecamp: "I'll take this one" and answer
If someone asks if a particular saddle, breed, body type, etc. is
appropriate, I will not tell them,"Yes! That's what I use" and then
forget to tell them I've just joined this list and never really ridden
farther than 10 miles.
I will be free with my praise. I will send a "good one" note to those
who deserve it.
I promise to always question all authority...and advise. I will think
for myself.
I will share knowledge.
I will not attack others who share knowledge which I consider
"misinformation" I will simply inform them of my personal experiences in
the matter.
I will ride my horse often to keep my panties from becoming wadded.
If Steph requests that we not discuss a matter, I will not simply post
why I believe it IS appropriate, and continue to discuss it. I will be a
good guest at STEPH'S site and honor her request.
I will not comment on the running of AERC unless I am an AERC member.
I will not leave an entire previous post on my "reply" simply to reply to
one line. I will delete all but the pertinent material.
When and if I am ready to un-subscribe, I will NOT send a note to
ridecamp trying to do it. I will READ the directions.
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