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Re: Trail trimmers & alfalfa hay wrote:
> Okay, first of all I would never tie a rope to my arm that is attached to the
> clippers, that would be just plain stupid, but what I was thinking of was a
> thin string or something that would break if pulled too tight, but would hold
> the clippers and keep them from falling to the ground. 

Is why I use a narrow diameter of bungie cord - the spring green stuff!
Slips right off or snaps if they get hung up on something. I knew one
(otherwise) bright person that used a long tie wrap for a wrist strap!!!
No matter how clever we are, sometimes the obvious doesn't occur to us,

> But, I did go ahead and
> order a pair of ratchet clippers and can't wait until they come in!!

You'll love them! They are VERY neat!


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