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Re: Probiotics

In a message dated 1/4/99 10:00:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Thought I would add my experience with pro-bi...
 I have used Fastrack and ABC Advanced Biological
 Concepts pro-bi, and I really have had wonderful
 results with the ABC product. It is a liquid and can be
 mixed in with electrolytes. Wonderful during competition. Horses have
 great gut sounds. For every
 day use we use ABC Plus which also has pro-bi and other wonderful
 nutrients and when they say you can decrease your grain it is a fact.
 Our horses maintain their weight very nicely during ride season. 
 ABC's products are top of the line, for horses, dogs,
 cats, and humans...Worth trying!!
 Email >>

BIG HUGE DITTOS ON THAT!!!!  I haven't found anything to beat it yet!!!!!!!!


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