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Re: Purina Athlete

Jerry & Mary Fields wrote:
I have tried many other supplements to add
> weight and had problems with my horse not eating grain at all if I added
> corn oil, rice bran, beet pulp. With Fatpack he had pulse problems. (I may
> just have to be happy with a skinny horse! ) 


Don't be happy with a skinny horse!<BG>  Instead of Fatpak, try regular
corn oil (buy it in small bottles, keep it in the frig so it stays
really fresh).  Fatpak is a saturated fat, which *may* have something to
do with the numerous reports of pulse-hanging.  Corn oil is primarily
unsaturated, worth a shot to get some extra calories into your guy. 
Also, wouldn't hurt to give probios a try.

Susan G

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