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Re: Carbo loading products
At 12:04 AM 1/4/99 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/3/99 9:01:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, Tivers writes:
><< Never let someone talk you out of your own experiences. There are some who
>cannot comprehend the use of strong carbohydrates in an endurance horse, and
>have hundreds of reasons why not, none of them supported by either the
>literature or actual experience. >>
>And then there are those who DO have negative actual experience, but then I
>guess that doesn't count??
Yeah, but some people have a bad experience just getting out of bed
everyday. I'd guess that some of the people having bad experiences with the
carbo stuff would also have a bad experience if they were feeding their
horses more grain - or maybe they are doing both and the combination of the
two is just too much. Or maybe they followed the directions on the
container--too much for an endurance horse, IMO. I've got lots of friends
that have had great experience with it - though like I said, you won't see
them posting to RC. Guess they don't have Idiot keys. ;^0
That's why I recommend getting to know your horse first, before you start
using a new product like this. Just because something works for somebody
else, or didn't work for somebody else doesn't mean that it's something you
should try.
I did do 1,000+ miles on Weaver before I ever used this on him, and feel
strongly that we have had some benefits from using it. However, I am
conservative with it, and consistent in its use.
Geez, I must be up to a dime by now.
Happy Trails,
in Gardnerville
& Weaver, 2455 miles
& Rocky, 1075 :+)
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