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Re: Endurance and Dressage

I and my husband do endurance riding and dressage both.   The dressage
training will teach the horse/mule/donkey and the rider how to move and
be together.  Enhancement of horse/mule/donkey and rider.    If you
check out the Cavalry, that is always how they rode, and they covered
hundreds of miles on a very regularly bases.   Keeping the interval and
all that is still very important.   We find that doing the dressage
while doing the distance riding keeps the horse/mule/and rider very
conditioned.   Both mentally and physically.   It is very good.

Good Luck!      : o)

Rebecca--Underwood Enterprizes--1-541-826-9668--Oregon
Home of the Treeless Saddle and other quality horse/mule/donkey and pet

Now being sold in Australia by Sue Henderson at

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