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Re: blister beetle question
>I too am concerned about the blister beetle & found some info. on >them
According to an article in Equus (I believe) blister beetles feed on
grasshopper larvae. If there's a bad year for grasshoppers, the next
year will be bad for blister beetles I think is what it said.
I noticed someone out west this summer commenting on the abundant
grasshoppers. If you buy local and know about such conditions, it might
be good to know.
Does anybody know if this plastic packaged shredded garbage that I have
to use is any safer? What about rabbit alfalfa pellets? I have bags of
rabbit food sitting out here in the barn (yes I have the world's most
useless pets...rabbits) and I sometimes am tempted to give the horses a
handful, but I wondered if they're careful about blister beetles for
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