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Re: blister beetle question

I was a longtime rabbit breeder for 15 years.  Rabbit pellets are
closely controlled for quality.  However they are 16 to 18 % protein.
Horses love them and my guys always lined up at the fence for a handout
when I was feeding the rabbits.

We had a Shetland pony that actually foundered from eatting rabbit
pellets that came out of the trays  under the rabbits after they had
been dumped on the manure pile.  Horses are very fond of rabbit pellets
beacause  they are made from sun cured alfalfa  which is sweet tasting
compared to regular alfalfa pellets which are made from dehydrated
alfalfa  which is bitter tasting. 

Happy Trails to you until we meet again.
Traildust (Anne Hanson)
Critters (Rambler, Miner and Squirt)                                                                             

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