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Re: Re: Portable Power Generaters

To All who responded to my inquiry about Portable Electric Generators,  I have done a lot of research through the net and through Consumer Reports.  The Best on the Market is ONAN,  then Generic.  Next comes  Honda, Yamaha, and Coleman !
I have received prices ranging from $250.00 dollars to $3000.00 dollars.  And one place said they would sell me a generator for $25000.00 it was a Caterpillar, that would probably power  Dodger Stadium and Jack Murphy Stadium at the same time and maybe run a coffee pot at the same time.
The Best place to purchase a Generator is Home Depot.  They carry Coleman and Generic and they are priced from $250.00 dollars to $595.00 dollars.  If you are going to buy a Generator that is only go to a good home improvement center .  If you are going to get one to install in your RV or Trailer your guess is as good as mine for where to purchases it.  But if you can stay away from Camping world by all means do so!!
Again Thank You for all of your input.
Pat Allen

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