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[Fwd: Keeping weight on]

Wendy Milner wrote:
> Also, how much does he exercise himself?  Is there a mare nearby that is
> teasing him, and you didn't even know it?

This is a good point. Provo wore his front shoes thin during
a month's worth of fence-line walking this Spring. Up and down
he went - driven into a frenzy, apparently, by the number of 
mares in heat in the immediate vicinity ...and he's a gelding 

(I wondered why he didn't appear to be putting on weight)

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA

with Mouse and Provo

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Stephanie wrote:

>He gets all the hay (alfalfa
>mix) he can eat and at least one FULL BUCKET of soaked beet pulp a day (over
>two feedings). He was wormed two weeks ago with zimectrin (wormed every 3
>months), is getting red cell 3 times a week, alternating with Accel 3 times
>a week, and a handful of Rice Bran every day.

How much hay is he eating?  I have free fed most of my horses most of the
time.  On occassion, when I need to know who is eating what, I'll separate
them, put food out, and keep track of how much they are eating.  Your
guy should be eating 20-30 pounds of hay.

How much is a bucket?  I've got buckets from 1 quart to too big to carry:-)

Your overall feeding plan should give him 2-3% of his body weight in feed
each day.  (I have no idea how to calculate the beet pulp.)
You might consider adding a pound of mixed grain.  Then when he is used
to the grain, pour a little oil over the top of it.

Also, how much does he exercise himself?  Is there a mare nearby that is
teasing him, and you didn't even know it?  


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 Wendy Milner                     HPDesk:   wendy_milner@hp4000
 Hewlett-Packard Company          e-mail:
 Mail Stop A2-5UB3                Telnet:   898-2182 
 3404 E. Harmony Rd.              AT&T:     (970) 898-2182
 Fort Collins, CO, 80528-9599     FAX:      (970) 898-2038

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