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Re: Work/Ride Criteria & LD Ride 31 Oct 98 "Response"

     Dear Heidi, Linda P, Roger R, Angie M, and other Ridecampers,
     Thank you "very much" for your words of encouragement - after all, to 
     finish is to win, right? . I have been keeping abreast of all the 
     AERC rides for the Central Region/Texas and Oklahoma rides, for the 
     last 2 "plus" years. My plans were/are to try Poetry's Fantasy Flight 
     on the 26th of September and the Armadillo, on the 31st of October.   
     I am a "convert" - so to speak - did some barrel racing and head & 
     heeling in my younger days. Decided I wanted to do trail riding, 
     camping, etc.- in my old age/46 - with my Quarter/Thoroughbred mare. 
     Ended up buddying with a ladyfriend that rides an Arabian that used 
     to do competitive/NATRC. 
     Started conditioning my mare, "with" my barrel racing saddle, before 
     realizing the error of my ways. Darn horn kept poking me in the groin 
     - so off it came. Next, we/I realized my mare had too much muscle mass 
     - so I found her a good home. "Then" I was adopted by a little Arabian 
     gelding, named First Classic - dubbed him "Classy." Right away, saddle 
     fit problems commenced. Guess what happened next - the "great saddle 
     hunt!" Ended up mothballing my modified barrel racer and bought an 
     "english" all purpose saddle. Made a "big" difference in Classy's back 
     and behavior - but switching from western to english sure set "me" 
     back a peg or two. Now we're off looking into taking dressage lessons! 
     Not to mention that I have traded my; 
     Justin cowboy boots for Justin sport lacers 
     Cowboy hat for a Troxel helmet 
     Wrangler jeans for Spalding exercise pants
     And the list goes on and on. And I ask myself "Are we having fun yet? Is it 
     worth it? Would I do it all over again?" And I answer......."You bet!"
     Looking forward to seeing/meeting some or all of you "someday." Happy 
     trails to you and yours!
     Ruth Abair and Classy in NE Texas
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Subject: Re: Working and Riding Criteria 5-7 miles (30-40 min.) "Ques
Author: at INTERNET_TI 
Date:    8/21/98 10:29 AM
Hi Ruth,
Sounds like you are more than ready for a limited distance ride. I have 
a relatively easy one for you October 31. Held in Davy Crockett National 
Forest about 150 miles due north of Houston, this is mildly rolling 
terrain. It is an easy "first time" ride. All checks will be in camp. 
The only thing that can make this one tough is the weather. Never know 
what it will do.
Send me your snail mail address and I'll get a brochure to you. 
Hope to start seeing you at some rides,
Linda Parrish
Kennard, TX

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