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Final Placings for Swanton Pacific 100

Following are the final placings/times on the Endurance Ride.  I don't
have the times for the Ride and Tie other than the first place team
was the Huffs with the big Dutch Warmblood cross - followed by
the team of Denis and Ellen - and the final team was the two female 
vets from Virginia with Rio.

The ride times are my own calculation so there may be a chance for
some error.  I listed the finishing times followed by my calculated
ride times using a 3 hour hold.

There were 38 starts and 28 finishes for a 71% finishing rate
for the endurance section.  There were 3 of 4 finishing in the 
ride and tie for a 75% finishing rate.

In order to fit the page - much of the city, breed, gender...
was dropped from the page below.  For the additional info -
look at the first posting - but note that the entry numbers
have changed.

The R & T and endurance BC info will be later.

W/CT Regions

Final finishing info from Swanton Pacific 100 - August 15, 1998
Start Time 5:30 AM  - 3 Hours of holds

#   First Name  Last Name      Horse Name           Finish Time	Ride Time
 1.   1 Sharon      Westergard     Taam                   8:45	12:15
 1.  10 Wendy       Meredini       Fire Mt Flikka         8:45	12:15
 3.  40 Larry       Bowers         Elijah Z               8:52	12:22
 4.  21 Shirley     Delsart        KJ Destination         9:27	12:57
 5.  38 Shelley     Bridges        Windswift Barak        10:16	13:46
 6.  32 Ed          Anderson       Webster                10:20	13:50
 7.  15 Linda       Johnson        MC Tron                10:45	14:15
 8.   8 Ona         Lawrence       Dandy McCoy            10:45	14:15
 9.  14 Barbara     Sanches        Calculator VA          11:41	15:11
10.   3 Gertrud     Walker         Veselka Iskra          11:41	15:11
11.  13 Julie       Caprino        Atlantys               11:47	15:17
12.  16 Kathy       Ruiz           Fire Alaarm            11:47	15:17
13.  19 Jazon       Wonders        Milarepa               12:14	15:44
14.  24 Iylla       Reissman       Midtown                12:14	15:44
15.  25 Godfrey     Sullivan       Blue Max               12:43	16:13
16.  26 Suzanne     Sullivan       Bit 'O Class           12:43	16:13
17.  33 Karen       DiCamillo      Zazarr                 12:43	16:13
18.   5 Scott       Wachenheim     Fame and Glory          3:04	18:34
19.  29 Sarah       Eaton          LV Cardigan Bey         3:04	18:34
20.  18 Pat         Fredrickson    WA Admiral              3:04	18:34
21.  39 Amber       Boring         Sugar Creek Saki        3:05	18:35
22.  43 Eliana      Di Rocha Leao  Fadjurs                 3:05	18:35
23.  28 Jim         Brown          NL Starfire             3:39	19:09
24.   6 Jennifer    Klein          Caribbean Queen         3:39	19:09
25.   7 B. Jane     Cloud          Ezer's Cloud            3:51	19:21
26.  22 Anita       Fiondella      CF Precarious           3:51	19:21
27.   2 Julie       Suhr           CF War Hymn             3:51	19:21
28.  31 Kirsten     Whitsett       Ginger                  3:51	19:21

  9 Judith      Ogus           Fames Excitement      Pull
 23 Gary        Glazer         Blazin'Tiki           Pull
 41 Dabney      Finch          Zarafs Star           Pull   
 42 Daine       Marquard       Buck Mt Bez           Pull
 30 Lori        Oleson         Kassiq                Pull
 11 Ariel       Adjimon        TOF Al Rumson         Pull
 44 Antonio     Malta          Kamaal Romeo          Pull
  4 Beth        Wachenheim     R.O.Drez-EZ           Pull
 20 Crystal     Switzer        Ravi Das              Pull
 17 Jill        Kilty-Newburn  RS Song Sung Blue     Pull

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