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Re: training

Terry Bartee wrote:

> I'd like some pointers,  too.  One thing I always hear is "up & down
> hills".  What would be the alternative to that?  I live in Texas and we
> don't have those things here.

Having lived & trained in Florida and coastal Virginia for many years, I
can honestly say that there is NO substitute for hills if you are competing
in hills.  OTOH, exclusive hill work won't help you much if the competition
is flat & sandy.  Train as you plan to compete!

To substitute for hills, we would ride through the deepest sand we could
find.  (Beaches, orange groves, etc.)  We started out VERY slowly and only
trotted after 2 months of walking in DEEP sand.  Never cantered in sand -
too worried about a bowed tendon to push too hard at a canter in the sand.

I know of some folks that had their horses pull a sledge or chain drag to
develop haunch muscles.  Can't say that I saw a big difference in the
horses' performance, but I wasn't riding them, either.

If you are thinking to use the hills for developing "wind", then consider
interval training on the flat.  Lots of good books on the subject now.
(More so than 15 & 20 years ago.)

Linda Flemmer

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