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Horses are remarkably adaptable,  I am doing good if I trailer to the
mountains twice a month with Grey and he handles mountain rides 
fine in spite of this.  If there are no hills around you than your
rides will be flat so you reallly wont need hill work.  If your 
rides are sandy try to train in sand, if they are hilly try to train
some in hills.  If you cant train for the specific ride conditions
then I think you have to compensate by slowing down at the ride. Dont
be trying to run up hills with someone whose horse trains that way
all the time and don't rush through sand if your horse isnt used to
sand.   As you get some rides under your belt you'll get a feel for
what your own horse needs in the way of training.

Teresa (still learning as I go)

I'd like some pointers,  too.  One thing I always hear is "up & down
hills".  What would be the alternative to that?  I live in Texas and we
don't have those things here.>>>

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