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Electrolytes and carbos
How do you figure out the amount of electrolytes to give? My brand says,
for normal use, to use 1 oz per day in at least a gallon. How much on a
For carbo dosing, I figure out my dosages a little differently than
anyone I've
seen posting. I figure the total dosage for the ride before I start. I
use 1 scoop,
2 oz, for every 10 miles. The reason I use mileage is this. Back in
college, when I
cared about my weight, I used to count calories and exercise. All the
charts used to list certain activities and the amount of calories burned
per hour.
Swimming was highest, then running and walking used about half the
calories of running.
But this was for the same amount of TIME. Running 30 minutes uses up 2x
the calories
as walking 30 minutes. That makes sense. It's a harder job. If you run 30
you should put in about 2x the distance than walking 30 minutes.That
also makes sense,
since you're going faster. If you do the math, running and walking the
SAME DISTANCE should expend about the same amount of energy. Running 3
miles takes me
30 minutes. Walking 3 miles would take me about an hour. My 30 minutes of
running at
2x the calories used should equal out the 60 minutes of walking at half
the calories. I work
harder for shorter time at a run. I work easier for a longer time at the
walk. The energy
expenditures are about the same. Since carbo dosing is all about energy
replacement, then
I figure I should dose according to distance. I then split the total
dosage into the 3 VC's,
or on a multi, I go every 1.5 to 2 hours.
What do you think?
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