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Don't miss the forest through the trees.  I feel that an endurance ride (at
> the back of the pack) is much less stressful than a competitive trail ride
> where everyone is aiming at the same finishing time window.  In CTR you
> dicing back and forth with other horses all day.

That's not exactly true.  The riders are started out and staggered usually
15 or 30 seconds apart.  Everyone is riding on their OWN time.  When its
time to come in they come in at different times also.  If there are 60
riders then they are spread out pretty well.  It's relatively close
together, but not nearly as close as the start and most finishes of the
endurance rides I've done.  I've ridden some CTR's where I rode for a couple
of hours and didn't see anyone in front or behind.

Carla Newby

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