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Calvary vs cavalry (was Points)

I don't disagree with anything you said but my grammar police side is
wincing at the misuse of the word Calvary for cavalry. Calvary is the hill
where Jesus was crucified...cavalry is a mounted army or even a motorized
army. I doubt Calvary did any trotting at all.  ;)

Green River, Wyo.
CUR  #360

At 04:03 PM 5/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
>So many people right now are trying to get as many points as they can.
>They seem to have tunnel vision as towards those points. I always
>thought that is is supposed to be for the fun of it. In our valley here
>we see horses lamed up one after another because the rider wants to go
>at a fast trot
>constintly. That shoots the tendons out. I think that more people need
>to think about what they are doing to their horses before they go out
>and do 50 or 100 miles of fast troting. The Calvary
>did the type of riding that endur. is supposed to be copying and they
>keep their inteveral. <rest of post snipped>

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