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head swinger

Hi all:
Ok, here's a weird one.  I also have a problem with my horse getting
nervous on his right side when I groom him there or anything.  Had him
checked by a vet who does alternative therapies, and he said his right
side was stiff from an old injury on his left.  He had obvious pain in
his left hip, stifle and hock.  He treated him by injecting and
iodine/oil solution in the joints and prescribing daily straight
exercise (no longing).  He got much better but is still nervous on that
side.  He also has always had a habit of swinging his head side to side
as if he's saying no to you (similar looking to an elephant trunk).  He
does not weave -- it's a very definite quick movement that he seems to
do only when he's frustrated (i.e. waiting for food), has an attitude
about something or on the trail (as if he's doing a quick scan of the
area).  He doesn't do it in the arena.  It gets very bothersome riding
on the trail because I feel like he's not paying total attention to me.
He usually ceases after we've been out awhile.  One idea some of my
fellow horsepeople have had is that his eyes are set so far apart that
he has developed this habit to get a good look at something in front of
him, and it has stuck.  The vet thought it might be an old balance
response to the injury.  I've never seen this behavior before but worry
it might interfere with any goals I have to ride him competitively.  Has
anyone else every seen this type of behavior.  If so, how did you


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