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Re: endurance horse accident?

That was the Sunland ride, maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I don't remember the
horse or rider's name, but everybody was ok. Beautiful horse. As I recall,
the horse was slightly off and didn't do the ride, and this happened when
they left. They were hit by a drunk driver as they pulled out of the camp.

Susan Evans Garlinghouse wrote:

> Hey, I just saw a video clip on Real TV (I know, it's a turkey show, but
> I'm addicted) that showed what was obviously an endurance horse injured
> in a flipped-over two-horse brown trailer.  They sedated him, then
> dragged him out of the trailer so he could (eventually) get up.  The
> horse was a _gorgeous grey_ with a very long, braided mane, had a 106 on
> his/her butt, and I saw someone who looked like Ernie Greene with a
> "Sunland Ride Mgr" jacket on, and also thought I saw Vicki Greene and
> Larry Connelly (a local ride vet, for those of you not in So Cal), plus
> lots and lots and lots of firemen and sheriff deputies and other people
> who looked vaguely familiar (like they were endurance folk).  They said
> the accident occurred in Sunland, CA, I assume actually at the Sunland
> ride.
> Does anyone know if this was a recent accident, who the horse was and
> was he okay afterwards?  He looked pretty bloody and shakey, but I know
> a little blood can go a long ways.
> Susan Garlinghouse

Donna O'Gara

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