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Some one asked about the speed at various gaits.

Walk: A slow poke at about 2MPH.  A good endurance horse,
      or other well trained horse up to 8MPH  (A walking
      horse, I'll make a guess at 10MPH)
Trot: Peanut roller could probably eck out at 4MPH.
      A good endurance horse, 15MPH or even up to 18-20MPH
      Of course there are those wonderful Lipps that can do a
      beautiful 0MPH trot:-)
Canter: Again that peanut roller could slow it down to 5 or 6MPH
      A good endurance horse, could push it upwards of 20MPH.
Gallup: Same low range, I think those quarter horses push 35MPH

Now please take all this with a grain of salt and a toung in cheek.
There are just too many variables to say what speed the "typical"
horse will go at a gait.


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 Wendy Milner                     HPDesk:   wendy_milner@hp4000
 Hewlett-Packard Company          e-mail:
 Mail Stop A2-5UB3                Telnet:   898-2182 
 3404 E. Harmony Rd.              AT&T:     (970) 898-2182
 Fort Collins, CO, 80528-9599     FAX:      (970) 898-2038

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