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Re: Once Upon A Time--A Fairy Tale

Bruce wrote:-
> << Hi All,
>  	Once in the past whenever I checked Email from ridecamp, I would always
>  get 90% messages that were endurance related. Now there seems to be more
>  non-endurance than endurance.  The last two days I have received approx
>  ridecamp Email of which "guns, weapons" related are prevalent. They
>  my time and yours, so what about sticking to endurance
>  Bruce from Downunder
>  Queenslander >>
> Tivers wrote:-
> Following your lead, Bruce, I find that I must post another gun-related
> missive. Let's establish a limit--no more than 1,000 gun posts in
> that suitable? Or would you rather carry the thread ad infinitum. I'll be
> to follow right along. 
> ti 

Who wrote "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit"?

	Do you believe that Ti believes all that he writes or does he get a kick
out of seeing his name authoring lots of messages on the net?
Bruce from Downunder


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