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Re: Ridecamp administration - Re: Way of Life

On Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:15:37 -0800, Steph Teeter <> wrote:

>There are a few things that would help keep down the number of posts,
>and not detract from the quality:


I'd like to add another suggestion:

3. When responding to a message, please don't quote the entire message
in your reply.  Delete as much as is practical, just leaving in enough
to identify the subject you're addressing.  Remember, everyone has
already read all of the material you're quoting!

It is especially wasteful to see a message with quotes going back two
or three previous messages, with only a sentence or two at the end.

Note that this message is an example of judicious quoting.  I put the
"..." at the top to indicate that I started quoting after the start of
the original message, and the <snip> to indicate where I cut out other


Joe Long
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