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Re: Sources of Foods (Grains)

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:48:39 -0800 (PST), K S Swigart
<> wrote:

> However, molassas is what is left over from sugar cane AFTER it has been
> processed and all the sugar (that white stuff you buy in the store) has
> been taken out.  The sugar content of molassas is pretty low (and one need
> only taste the stuff to realize this :), it is, in actuality, quite
> bitter).

Since Ridecamp should be a 'lil slow because of the convention, I *just*
have to meander over to the soapbox for a bit as the unofficial, unpaid,
and unknown temporary representative of the Sugar Beet Growers

Sugar beet provides a lot of sugar to the US, and so the byproduct of
molasses you may be feeding your horse is probably from this source. 
Unfortunately (which is probably why I'm unofficial), I  do not have any
hard numbers about the % of molasses from cane and from sugar beet. Just
had to say that... ahhh, I feel better now.  Keep feeding that beet pulp
too (keeps me in business) (g)!

And, good work K S Swigart (what the heck is your first name???) on your
post!  IMHO, sometimes folks can get a 'lil carried away on a wee bit of
information and need to be nudged a bit into reality (I need a lot of
nudging, uhh... pushing sometimes).  Plenty of other good energy feeds
for horses out there besides just oats, barley, and corn --- just have
to know how to use them and balance your rations!

My two bits (what the heck is that worth anyway?)

Kim (and let's-go-on-a-ride-to-sample-the-molasses-at-the-refinery 'Lee)

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