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Re: More on picket lines?

The construction of the rope may have some bearing on permanent stretch. But
once it is strectched, it should not suffer any further permanent stretch if
not overloaded. The fibers themselves will stretch, but return to their
original size unless overloaded. Knots may tighten or slip a bit, which can
be confused with stretching - polypropylene is particulary slick. Nylon
fibers stretch (and return to size) more than polyester or polypropylene. If
I remember correctly, polyester has the least stretch. Twisted lay stretches
more than braid. The ability to stretch may, in some cases, be an advantage.
A horse cannot sit back and break that which stretches. Then there are
natural fibers: sisal, manila, and cotton - manila would be the normal
choice for a picket line, but while all natural fibers hold knots better,
they are subject to rot. They must be carefully dried after use and store
carefully. I don't remember the stretch characteristics, but would guess
someplace between Nylon and polypropylene.

Duncan Fletcher

-----Original Message-----
From: CSimmons99 <>

>I also like using a picket line.  Most lines/ropes I've tried have a
>to stretch over a couple days.   Has anyone found one that doesn't stretch?

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