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Rides2far: Re: Stone bruises & hoof hardeners

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From: Rides2far
Subject: Re: Stone bruises & hoof hardeners
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 18:32:04 PST
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

On Thu, 8 Jan 1998 10:05:45 -0800 (PST) writes:

>From: Barb Peck 
I don't know about the commercial hardeners you mentioned, but my vet
suggested that I paint the sole of my horse's hoof with formaldehyde when
I removed a pad he had worn for a while.  He said this would harden the

I guess I figured if it would work for that, it would be good to toughen
him up in general.  (Kaboot  has slightly flat feet).  As a matter of
fact, Roger Rittenhouse told me that lots of CT riders use it.

The bottom line is, I started putting it on his soles regularly (Maybe
once every week or two) and his hooves started crumbling around the
clinches.  I didn't realize what was going on until I noticed how
terribly my hands would dry out after applying it, even though I did not
touch it.  Just the fumes would suck the moisture out of anything.  

Just in case anyone recommends formaldehyde, make sure you only get it on
the sole, and don't do it very often.  By the way, it will really harden
the sole.

Angie McGhee
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