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Excalante Draft PLEASE!!!

This action  by the Gov is more important then "No Hands" or any other 
action that goes on in Washington including all the political 
shi....Please respond to this in one way or another!!

>As most of you know on September 18, 1996, our President put pen to 
paper and
>created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Southern 
Utah by
>Presidential Proclamation. OK folks it is time that our people got 
>and let our voices be herd.  The main Ride that could be in trouble is 
>Outlaw Trail Multi Day.  The BLM has a Draft Management Plan/Draft
>Environmental Impact Statement for the Grand Staircase-Escalante 
>Monument.  In this plan they have Plans A-E.  Plan A is called the No 
>Alternative A.  This plan would leave things as they are now.  The 
>Alternative B will close more than 1,100 miles of roads, nearly all of 
>have RS-2477 status.  It would ban all cross-country travel.  Vehicular 
>would be allowed only on 818 miles of designated routes, of which 591 
>would be available to unlicensed vehicles.  Alternatives C & D are even 
>extreme in their efforts to make the monument look like a National 
Park.  They
>would totally ban the use of any unlicensed vehicles!  Alternative E is 
just a
>bit more liberal than B. The end result could very well end up being 
the end
>of competitive events as we make trails.  Single riders or small groups 
>probably be permitted but organized events could easily become history.  
>following copy of a letter found in a newspaper can be printed and sent 
>turned into your own words and sent.  Remember if we do not stick 
together as
>a group like for "No Hands Bridge" we will loose the wonderful rides we 
>Mr. Pete Wilkins
>Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
>337 South Main St., Suite 010
>Cedar City, Utah, 84720
>Dear Mr. Wilkins:
>I am very disappointed with the Draft Management Plan/Draft 
>Impact Statement for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National monument.
>When the Presidential Proclamation of September 18, 1996, assigned the
>Monument to the Bureau of Land management, a rare opportunity arose for 
a more
>"user friendly" management environment.  Sadly, it seems the planning 
team has
>chosen to ignore this mandate, producing a document more suited toward 
>trends in National Park management.
>I believe that the public lands should be managed for public uses and 
>not be set aside to serve the agendas of special interest 
organizations.  The
>lands of the National Monument have a long and rich tradition of 
multiple use
>and motorized recreational access.  These rugged lands suffered no 
>through generations of use and there is no reason to believe they will 
in the
>The Planning Team has produced a set of alternatives that are 
unacceptable to
>me and my family.  Alternatives B through E would severely limit 
tradition al
>and historic uses, in violation of the Presidential Proclamation.
>Alternative A, the No Action Alternative, Which would adopt the status 
quo and
>maintain current use and access patterns, solely meets the requirements 
of the
>law.  All of the other alternatives violate the civil rights of most 
>and future users of these lands.
>I therefore request that Alternative A be adopted as the management 
>for the Monument.  
>Thank You,
>Perhaps we can be heard once again folks I certainly hope so.  Lovell

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