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Re: gangs/juniors

Guess this is the mentality that keeps gangs going, huh?  I am sorry 
that you have this opinion; but it is yours.
Bald Hills area, Wa.

Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 22:57:05 -0500
Subject: gangs/juniors
From: (Angela C. McGhee)

>Thank you Frank for your concern and consideration of the kids.  >You
are so right in saying that if there is something that can >keep >them
off  drugs, out of gangs, >snip/paste<......for they 
>are our future, are they not?

Has anyone considered the possibility that if all these "at risk" kids
start doing endurance riding we may be sharing the trail with "endurance
juniors gangs"?  The next thing you know you'll have to know that it's
deadly to wear hot pink biothane for fear that makes you a member of the
"Crips" (short for cripples) gang or some such nonsense?  It may keep
them off drugs for awhile...but then they'll start using Advil...and just snowballs.

I just don't know....I think maybe bored housewives are the future of 
sport.  Juniors may have to become bored housewives before they become
the future of our sport.

Angie  (with 2 juniors that I don't trust one bit plotting in the next

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