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> In a message dated 12/2/98 8:00:21 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> <<  As far as my having no knowledge or experience...well, I'll
>  be happy to stack my credentials against yours, if that's what you're
>  asking for. wrote:
> Susan, you seem to "manifest" things like this on a regular basis.  Why do you
> do that??  Is there some point you are trying to make?? 

I'm just putting forth my opinion, for what it's worth, not worth any
more or any less than anyone else's.  Most people on this list don't
tend to start foaming at the mouth over the concept of having a
differing opinion, as long as they're polite about it.  May I suggest
that decaf is just as tasty as the real thing?

 "If that is what
> you're asking for." Experience in trying a product and the experience in your
> field that you are touting, has no direct correlation to any part of this
> conversation.

Other people seem to feel that it is---so why don't you just hit your
delete button and save us all the jumping up and down?

  It's like you feel this urge to try and cram your credentials
> down some unsuspecting victim's throat whenever possible.

Cram?  Unsuspecting victim?  Let's not get *too* dramatic here.  You're
the one that started in implying I have no qualifications or right to an
opinion simply because I didn't go beyond my first two initial exposures
to ABC, and heaven forbid that I dare to put forth an opinion that
doesn't agree with yours.  

 Or do you just
> prefer to skim over material without READING it?

Some people and posts on this list I tend to read alot more carefully
than others.  People that have so much free time in their day that they
get their panties all in a twist over a simple difference of opinion,

Susan G

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