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Here's why

Hi Louise,

You wrote:

Guys, this is one of the scariest thing I've read yet on this
I have never talked to  ANYONE around here that thinks this way and we
MANY LD riders!
Do y'all agree with this?
Louise Burton, CT Region

Randy Eiland wrote:
<<<<Where I believe many people are missing the real point of this issue
by looking at our LD Rides in the old traditional way.. as "novice rides"
used only as an introduction to "real endurance".  I think what we are
actually seeing is an evolution, like it or not, of recognizing and
accepting the "25 to 35" mile distance as *just another sanctioned
endurance distance, lumped together with 50's, 75's & 100's as sanctioned
AERC distances*.  I know many of our more traditional members don't like
this, but that is the reality of the issue.  One more reason I was and am
against the proposed LD Bylaws change.  If I am right in the above
analysis, then the "fun rides" become a very important adjunct to
sanctioned endurance rides...especially in areas with few riders.  These
"fun rides" will be the new form of our old LD rides.>>>>>

To more clearly explain where I am coming from with no guaranty you will
like this any better.  The Board passed a new rule that now requires all
LD Riders to either be members of AERC or pay a non-member fee, just like
the requirements of any other AERC sanctioned distance.   This is a fact
and to me that means :"25 to 35 miles" (assuming the LD Bylaws change
failed - I hope) is truly a sanctioned AERC Event that only AERC Members
or "Day Members" may enter.  It is shorter than 50 miles, but 50 is
shorter than 100.  The only major difference I see in any of these rides
is the distance.  Additionally, I believe there are more and more
"professional LD Riders" than ever...people who only wish to ride in LD's
and will probably never enter a longer distance...and with AERC adding
Regional LD Awards to the existing National LD Award, these people
justifiably are on equal footing with any other AERC member.  The only
real difference I can see between LD and longer distances is the 60 Pulse
requirement for completion and placing.  These are all facts, call it
what you want but any way you shake it out, these rides and their
participants share full membership rights with all other AERC members,
AERC events, and AERC Awards.

Now to the reason that fun rides will become more important (once again I
am assuming the LD Bylaws change failed).  Since LD rides now require
AERC membership, one of the only avenues for Ride Manager's who need a
ride distance to "make the profit on", is to put on a Fun Ride and
educate these novice riders so they will eventually move up in 25 - 35 or 50 or more...and join AERC.  I suppose the other
option is to make your 25 to 35 a CTR ride..but if any of your riders are
AERC members and are competing for regional or national honors or just
want their career mileage tracked, then they are going to want AERC
sanctioning.  Kind of like putting on a 50 mile ride that is not
sanctioned with AERC, I don't know anyone here in the SW who would enter
a ride like that.  

I know this bucks with tradition.  As you know, I personally love
tradition and history...but I also know that AERC has to accept changes
and move forward with the times.  The Sponsorship Committee I chair has
raised $49,500.00 for AERC with our new Sponsorship Program...and it took
several months and lots of "selling" on my part to convince some of our
Board members (and many members) that this was not a sellout to
commercializing of our "pure amateur sport".   After many months, I think
nearly everyone agrees that this is good for AERC and our membership..not
only the needed funds raised thru our Sponsors, but the national
advertising campaign and the 25% membership discount are going to prove
to be invaluable to the long term positive growth of AERC. 

Randy Eiland 
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