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Re: strange tripping

At 06:26 PM 11/29/1998 EST, you wrote:
>I do have an answer for the obvious question when said horse shows up with
>either skinned/dirty knees.  My girl friend had a horse that spent more than
>the usual time on his knees and her answer was "he prays a lot"!  That at
>least used to stop the questions.  Of course we managed to high center same
>horse once when practicing log crossings he was a character but like yours a
>winner.  Lovell

	You just reminded me of another of "Spookahontas Tripsalot"'s
qualities.... the mare absolutely could not safely step over anything more
than six inches high...  fortunately, she was an eager and capable
jumper....  In 1979 I used her on the Ohio 100 Mile Ride.... each day the
trail traversed a certain log (maybe 18" high) that sank deeper into the
mud each day.  By day 3, I really felt that attempting a walk over was
preferable after 90 miles to jumping out of and into the mud.

	Well, "ST" (her REAL name was Ka Ra Neet -- sorry, Heidi, I'm SURE her
klutziness was attributable to others in her pedigree) managed to get stuck
with her front feet separated by the log and just couldn't figure the rest
of the maneuver....  I managed to get her back to the original side,
slammed my heels into her, saying loudly, "D... it mare, can't you do
ANYTHING right?" as she jumped the log ----- MUCH to the amusement of the
hidden horsemanship judge, Jan Worthington!!!

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