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Re: Helmets Part VI, VII, VIII, & IX

That's right.  I will even sign a waiver disclaiming ANYONE from responsibility if I do
NOT wear a helmet.  I just want to have the freedom of choice.

Teddy wrote:

> Susan
> It was said that we didn't have to compete if we choose not to wear a helmet
> that's pretty much the same thing.      People do do not have to make decisions for
> me . The beauty of endurance is that it is a sport where a person do things
> the way one chooses and not have to dress and act like the show ring people
> and yet the small minded thinking is still there. THe diference in risk level
> riding a horse 50 miles with or without a helmet is negilible. It is not like
> stepping in front of a truck where the results have to end in disaster.
> Jerald

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