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"Danger, danger, Will Robinson"...

 I find the helmet discussion interesting.  
    I've seen riders literally "saved" by helmets worn.  But, the underlying
reason we wear helmets (sometimes) is because riding horses is dangerous
business...I don't care how "well-trained", they are living prey animals who
are specie-encoded to flee when frightened.  And helmets, though a prudent and
reasonable measure, haven't helped those poor individuals who have suffered
serious injuries "other" than head injuries.  
    They sell body armour many wear it?  "Too hot,"...."Too
binding".... "Too ugly"...."Too expensive"...
    We ride because we love riding horses, in spite of the inherent dangers.
     I think helmets are a good move.
     I think whether I wear one or not is no one's business but mine.
     I've seen too many people who, in spite of wearing a helmet, are still in
serious danger of being killed on their horses and I shudder.  Often, they
endanger others with their manner of getting down the trail, helmet and visor
fading into the treeline.


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