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Delighted that you will come to Vermont to
run our "Snow Spongin' Clinic" !!!!!

You fly in and out of Burlington,  VT and we'll
supply bed and board (with GRITS)!!  Even a HORSE if you
want to ride in VERDA's "January Thaw"  (25-mile
CTR on Jan. 23rd).  This might be TOO SLOW for
you??  Are you officially qualified to Judge?

Give us the dates you are available and we'll take it from

John and Meshack (VT)

>You sure you won't come to VT in January and run our snow-sponging

O.K.  You've convinced, how the heck do people get in and out of
there in January?
>'s your chance!!

Be careful.  Her husband has relatives in Boston...she might show up on
your doorstep!


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