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bitting problem

Marsha and bitting problem:  A few years ago I started a 5 year old green
arab who hated any kind of bit.  Since there are so many wonderful
challenges (ARGGG) to overcome with a green horse, after trying several
types of bits, I opted for a bosal.  It made life so much easier.  There
was one fight I got to aviod and I am a great believer in avoiding
confrontation with a horse (they might win!).  Since I had usually started
young horses in a snaffle it was something I had to learn how to use but
after I figured out how best to comunicate (ie-control) it has been great. 
I moved to a vosal and it is very nice too.     Good luck!  
        Retraining to accept a bit easily is hard once they have had such a
bad start.  It is very discouraging to deal with especially when you know
that a careful and smart introduction to a bit when a horse is a baby makes
the bit a non-issue, which is a real pleasure!  
        Good luck,  Connie and Spur in Tennessee.  

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