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Nat'l GEOTV Tevis

I have received quite a few requests for the tape. I should have 
included my snail mail address: here it is!

I'm in the process of making the additional clips to add on to the tape.  
As soon as It's done I'll be mailing, but don't wait because I'm going 
to order them copied and I need to know how many to order.  It won't 
take long to do it.  At ten bucks apiece I'm doing it for the fun not 
the $$$.

2910 SLiger Mine Rd.
Greenwood, California 95635
fax 530,885,9348
> Well I've got so many requests for a copy of the National Geo TV 
special on Tevis that I decided to make a few copies and send them out 
to everybody that requests them.   However, I can't sell them as I don't 
own that right, I was just a participant.  Therefore I have decided to 
add a few of my own bits of info such as a view of "No hands bridge  
currently under renovation,  Perhaps the river crossing, and a few other 
interesting shots.  That would justify a small charge.  The cost (10 
bucks total) is the same just more to see on it. I can get them copied 
easily, Cool eh!  The hard part will be adding the shots but it will be 
fun! I'm not a film maker so there won't be much original stuff, but it 
will be interesting!

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