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more arab weanling info wrote:
> here's a copy of the original the man's name and number
to call
> about getting deliveries to your areas.  additionally, there is an
> that lists the colors of the babies and their respective breedings. 
> get your pick.
> dawn
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 
> I will try to send everyone who has inquired the story regarding
these colts
> as it was relayed to me by fax.  This week a gentleman named Kris
Harrison of
> Ontario, Canada contacted the Pyramid Society.  He is urgently
seeking homes
> for approximately 40 Straight Egyptian weanling colts which he
> recently from the Montebello/Cabreah related farms in Canada. 
Basically, he
> responded to a plea from these farms for someone to take the colts
or they
> would be sent fro slaughter.  Now he  is trying to place them.
> The Pyramid Society contacted Duane Scudder of SPEAH to help in their
> placement, and he in turn contacted me since I work closely with him
often and
> am certainly closer to the situation than he is.  So - here I am -
out on the
> internet seeking help from those often asking to help adopt Arabs to
> them going to slaughter.
> Mr. Harrison indicated that the colts were all in good shape when he
> them up 3-4 weeks ago, but he is not in a position to keep these
colts and is
> concerned for their welfare in the harsh Canadian winters with them
> outside.  He is willing to take care of all the health papers, and
> personally transport these horses to the US for his cost only, a
maximum of
> $350 each.  However it is only practical for him to deliver 12 at a
time to
> the same general location.
> I will be contacting Mr. Harrison today and make certain of more
details, but
> do not feel it is pertinent at this time to include his phone number
on these
> communications without his permission.
> I do have a list of the colts by sire and dam, color,and foaling
date.  Mr.
> Harrison went out on a limb to help these colts and we are just
trying to
> thank him and help provide interested parties to help these well bred
> youngsters get good homes to start out life well.  Colts are
chestnut, bay,
> and grey.  Sired by El Norus, Qahtahn, Royal Jalliel, Safeen, The
Atticus, EAI
> Dhark Tamaar (black), and Samborzelstra(sp?).
> Let me know if you wish to pursue this farther.  I assume his
delivery would
> be to surrounding states to Ontario only and that transport from
that point
> would be necessary for anyone interested in going farther.
> Thanks for caring,
> Sheri Mose
> Also, Kris has given me permission to list his name and number and
> inquiries to make arrangements for the colts.  In any area, with
> interest he will deliver.
> His number is 519-941-9248 or fax 519-941-0637.
> >
> <HTML><FONT  SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10>1998 colts	<BR>
> <BR>
> Qahtahn x MB Lelle Monet (Royal Jalliel x Ali dtr.) Bay<BR>
> El Norus x MB Nafemma (x Tammen) Bay<BR>
> Qahtahn x *Mamdouha (x *Nizam) Bay<BR>
> El Norus x MB Kaarammena (x Tammen) Chestnut<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x Kaisoona Halima (Raadin Inshallah x *Simeon Sasson)
> Qahtahn x NC Matala (Makhsous x Mosaada) Chestnut<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x Ali Moniet (x Ruminaja Ali) grey<BR>
> Safeen x Shohrah (ES Jalliel [x nabiel] x Morgana) grey<BR>
> The Atticus x EH Ghorabah (x El Hilal [german]) Bay<BR>
> Qahtahn x Amida Moniet (Sar Ibn Moniet x Al Metrabbi dtr.) Bay<BR>
> Qahtahn x MB Fehranna (x El Norus) Bay<BR>
> The Atticus x MB Marlikee {Imperial Immarouf x Sharaf dtr.) Grey<BR>
> Qahtahn x MB Noressa (El Norus x *UP Murassa) Grey<BR>
> El Norus x MB Deserelle (Tammen x SF Desert Flower) Chestnut<BR>
> Qahtahn x Bint Shah Halim (AK Shah Halim xDalul dtr.) Bay<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x MB Noreene (El Norus x Bint Bint Deena) Grey<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x MB Delesara (Ibn Dalul x Al Metrabbi dtr.) Grey<BR>
> Qahtahn x MB Tahirah (x Talmaal) Chestnut<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x EAI Elsersada (El Norus x Sar Ibn Moniet dtr.)
> Samborzelsta x Satrrakaa - not straight Chestnut<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x Dalmiha (Dalul x Prince dtr.) grey<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x Dani Bilal (Sea Ben Ben Bilal x *Farazdac dtr.)
> Qahtahn x Senisa Feyali (Ruminaja Ali x *Naadya) Bay<BR>
> The Atticus x Kaaramal (*Zaghloul x *Faleh dtr.) Chestnut<BR>
> Qahtahn x MB Norjah(Norus x Shujan [x Prince]) Grey<BR>
> El Norus x EAI Marseenah (Imperial Immarouf x Bint Haseenah [x El
Shalyar]) Chestnut<BR>
> El Norus x MB Monetta (Norus x Ali Monet [x Ali]) Chestnut<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x MB Dalkour (Makour x Dal Mouna [x Dalul]) grey<BR>
> Qahtahn x Ansata Monalima (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Dia Halima)
> Qahtahn x Al Kamala (Maar Ibn Amaal x Makhsous dtr.) bay<BR>
> Royal Jalliel x MB Immagene (Imperial Immarouf x Ibn Dalul dtr.)
> Qahtahn x MB Dazali (Dalul x Azali Ay [x Serenity Monzeer])
> EAI Dhark Tamaar x MB Maleke (Ansata Cairo Bey x Ansata Julnara [x
*Jamill]) Bay<BR>
> EAI Dhark Tamaar x Taayyana (Rofann x Talfara [x *Talal]) chestnut<BR>
> EAI Dhark Tamaar x AK Manama (Shaikh Al Badi x *Ibn Moniet El Nefous
dtr.) chestnut<BR>
> Qahtahn x Bint Dhariba (Norus x Dhariba [x Dalul]) bay<BR>
> EAI Dhark Tamaar x Simurgh (Dalul x Dorian Kahra-Lima [x Halim El
Mansour]) Bay<BR>
> EAI Dhark Tamaar x Bint Halim (Halim El Mansour x Zama Maymoon [x
> </HTML>

sandy lundberg

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