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Re: Another uveitis post

What you guys are missing is that there is nothing wrong with using more
than one treatment for any given problem... but THAT DEPENDS ON WHAT IS
We can't just blanket the whole thing and say, " Well, I won't use such
and such because of this and that...." 
If your horse's eye is at stake then every effort must be made to
determine the cause of the problem and then reasonably TREAT that
problem. In some cases a simple course of steroid may fix it up. In a
case where a corneal ulcer is the cause, then steroids are
contraindicated. If a Leptospira titer is high, well, maybe then
antibiotics plus topical treatment is indicated. In the one case
discussed here, cyclosporin was obviously the way to go. And in a
refractory case, I would definitely seek out other methods to help,
homeopathic, acupuncture...
Sorry to get on this, but the conversation was getting pretty stalled out
and I would feel pretty bad if someone called up their vet and said
-well, so and so said not to use this drug because of this. Can you
imagine the conversation after that?
There are many different treatments for any given situation. UNtil we
have the answer to the big "WHAT CAUSES UVEITIS" then we will have to
continue to treat what we see.
All right, my two cents worth. I'll go put on the flame blanket.
Gwen Dluehosh DVM
Desert Storm Arabians                      "Pretty enough to show, tough
enough to ride!"         Specializing in high percentage Crabbet
PO Box 52                                         performance horses.
Wedgefield, SC 29168

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