ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: stretching neck & head while trotting

Re: stretching neck & head while trotting

Naztari (Naztari@aol.com)
Tue, 9 Dec 1997 06:46:43 EST

I am also glad someone brought this up. I am new at this horse riding business
and to endurance riding. I noted my horse doing this neck stretching near the
end of our second limited distance ride. My daughter was riding her Arab and
our pace was pretty fast and I kept up so that my daughter could do well on
her first ride. My horse started doing it just a couple of miles from the
finish. At the finish he was a little slow getting his pulse down so I had
assumed that this neck stretching was a sign of fatigue. The last time he did
it was just a week ago on a trail ride he became tired climbing the side of a
mountain. Slowed down for a while and he was fine. Usually only does it at a

Ed Roley, NC

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